Toon pages
25/06/07 21:55
One day soon I'm going
to put up pages for each of my characters. Really! I
promise. There'll be a picture of them in an
impressive pose, perhaps fierce or maybe
contemplative, mounted or on foot. Each one will have
his or her own story to tell. I'm not going to do a
blog for each of them because really, there are only
so many hours in a day and most of them are already
pretty full.
25/06/07 21:49
There are various
approaches to handling the riches that characters
pick up during their travels in Azeroth. I have a
bank toon for both my Alliance and Horde character
sets. The Alliance banker is a Dranei shaman named
Felwind. On the Horde side, it's a Troll named Tusk.
I've parked them both in spots where it's easy to
shuttle between mailbox, auction house and bank. For
Felwind, that's in The Exodar. Tusk is in her
hometown of Ogrimmar. This is convenient because all
the other toons that I've got running around engaging
in wanton slaughter, corpse looting and other mayhem
don't have to keep running back to a major city to
dump their goodies. Mailboxes are far more common.
All they have to do is empty their bags into a
mailbox, send the goods to the banker, and return to
the fray!
25/06/07 20:36
I've decided that most
professions in WoW are largely a waste of time, at
least until level 40. For all toons under level 40,
I've switched them to herbalism and skinning. They're
getting filthy rich as a result....
WoW Basics
24/06/07 06:16
My wife suggested that
I blog about WoW since few of my friends actually
know very much about the game. She is continually
impressed by how complex and varied the game is. The
purpose of this entry is to cover some of the basics.
I need to preface this by saying that there really is
quite a lot to the game and the world where it takes
place, and no single blog entry can hope to capture
it all.... Read
World of Warcraft
23/06/07 10:31
As a sometimes avid
World of
Warcraft player I think it is only appropriate
that I keep a blog chronicling the exciting
adventures of my toons for my non-player friends
(which is very nearly all of them!) World of Warcraft
is abbreviated (and pronounced) "WoW".
The World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer on-line role-playing game, or "MMPORG". It's also.... Read More...
The World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer on-line role-playing game, or "MMPORG". It's also.... Read More...