

There are various approaches to handling the riches that characters pick up during their travels in Azeroth. I have a bank toon for both my Alliance and Horde character sets. The Alliance banker is a Dranei shaman named Felwind. On the Horde side, it's a Troll named Tusk. I've parked them both in spots where it's easy to shuttle between mailbox, auction house and bank. For Felwind, that's in The Exodar. Tusk is in her hometown of Ogrimmar. This is convenient because all the other toons that I've got running around engaging in wanton slaughter, corpse looting and other mayhem don't have to keep running back to a major city to dump their goodies. Mailboxes are far more common. All they have to do is empty their bags into a mailbox, send the goods to the banker, and return to the fray!